PLAB-VULNERABILITY-SANDBOX Practice Labs Vulnerability Sandbox

Information and Technology


12 Months


Gain access to the skills and knowledge that you need to excel in your IT Career.


Welcome to the Practice Labs Cyber Security Vulnerability Environment! The PLAB-Vulnerability sandbox contains various operating systems that can be used to practice or enhance vulnerability testing skills in a safe, secure environment. After completion of a session, the environment will reset back to its original state. This Pentesting environment allows you the freedom to play around with different vulnerabilities and exploits without risking your systems.

This Sandbox includes: Windows Server 2016 (Domain Controller), Windows Server 2019 (Domain member), Windows 10 (Domain member), Windows 8 (Standalone Member), Windows 7 (Standalone Member), Kali Linux (Standalone member) and Ubuntu Linux (Standalone member).

Our Sandboxes provide a safe, secure virtual environment to test the impact of new installations or software updates prior to deployment. Connect to live Practice Labs servers, hardware and software in isolation from your critical business systems. Freestyle and experiment without risk to your in-house equipment or concerns about capacity. Gain 12 months’ unlimited access when you buy this Sandbox.


  • Windows Server 2016 (Domain Controller)
  • Windows Server 2019 (Domain member)
  • Windows 10 (Domain Member)
  • Windows 8 (Standalone Member)
  • Windows 7 (Standalone Member)
  • Kali Linux (Standalone member)
  • Ubuntu Linux (Standalone member)

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